Adding action to Hamburger Menu

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Posted   5 months ago

I had a question about how I can make my menu active to navigate by clicking on the page a student might want to get to?  Ex: the hamburger menu icon is set to a pop up and it branches out to the pages but when it opens the text with the page options are not active, like a real menu would be. What do I have to do to make them active and let the student jump to pages when they click on an option?

I read through the menu options in the community, but I didn't see a clearly defined answer, it goes to inputs.



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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Paul Schneider   |    
Posted   5 months ago

A menu being active or not will depend on your publish profile settings. For example if in Publish Profiles you have the Lock navigation option turn on, users will be able to see the menu options but will not be able to "click ahead" to other pages unless they have navigated to the page already (e.g., they can click to previous pages). Based on your description it sounds like that might be the issue here. 

In the Course Player Theme you can choose to have the menu hidden unless they click on the hamburger icon or "pinned open" - this is an option in the player. In the Story View menu it is open by default (screen width size permitting).

Here is a Course Player theme example where the menu is not locked.

Here is a Story View theme example

In both cases you can navigate to the desired menu option.




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