Assessment/Questions repository/Database

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Posted   one year ago

Hi is it possible to create 1 project with all the questions and have multiple projects pull from the 1 project/repository so that when a question gets updated within the repository it affects all the projects that use this question?



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Answers  ( 1 )

avatar Chris Van Wingerden   |    
Posted   one year ago

Our re-usable Learning Object model allows you to share content across multiple projects and keep it synchronized for updates.

Here's an overview article: Learning Objects – an Introduction >> https://dki.io/1e656c6d

Typically, a learning object has learning content pages plus assessment questions, sort of a mini-course on a specific topic/task/content amount. But you could have LOs that only have test questions and share those across multiple projects.

The LO level is also where you control randomization of questions. You might have an LO that covers a specific topic and it has three test questions in it, and you can control whether the learner is presented with one or two questions selected randomly or all three in order or with the order shuffled. 

This article explains how to do that: Set randomization options for the test questions in a Learning Object >> https://dki.io/f6f297ca

This setting is contextual to each Project the shared LO is used in. Project 1 can have different randomization settings than Project 2, for example, to accommodate different learning audiences.

Depending on your use case, you could even have LOs with only one test question to share across projects.

When you share LOs across Projects, the LO title will be shown in the Project Outline (menu) for the learner. If the LOs only have test questions, they would appear empty to the learner (no content pages), which might be confusing. Some Themes, such as Themes based on the Course Player experience, have an option to not show LO titles and/or Pages in the menu, and you might look at using that feature to help reduce possible learner confusion. You could also just not include an Outline at all (also a setting in some Themes).



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