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When adding closed captions to your courses, if your users are using their devices (phones), you probably need to remind them to turn on their closed captioning capabilities in order to see the closed captioning. For folks that regularly use closed captioning, they probably have this turned on already, but if you are an infrequent user, this is probably turned off.

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Hi there, I am experiencing an issue with focus on answer choices on Test questions. When tabbing through the question elements, focus will only appear on the first answer choice then goes straight to the Submit button. In some cases (not on our LMS unfortunately) - it's possible to Shift + Tab back up from the button to an answer choice, but this is not ideal. I checked the settings on the question and each choice element has "Focusable" selected.

Is there something else I could be missi...

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Is there a way to use the Captions Overlay style where the overlay stays on the screen without the mouse rollover to reveal the text? I would like to use the carousel with images with text overlay to simulated a PowerPoint presentation with text overlay slides.

Thank you.

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I have a learning object that includes a case study with 3 decision points using inline multiple-choice questions. I want to track two things with case studies in eLearning (1) learner engagement (did the learner answer each question of the case study regardless of correctness) in some cases more granular (2) if the learner selects choice 1=incorrect, score =0; choice 2= correct, score 10 points.  I have scoring variables assigned to each question that I wish to score using the question setti...

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