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I have an icon that I'd like to be presented in the same region on every page in a Claro project.  I tested using an Icon to execute JS on a single page and that worked perfectly, but when I try to do the same solution using the Primary Header, execute JS is not an option.  Is this intentional or possibly a bug?

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I am in the planning phase of an elearning lesson where I would like the learner to be able to bookmark pages within the lesson to revisit at a later time or maybe as "favorites.".  Can this be done in dominknow? If so, what is the workflow?

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As pioneers in standards-based publishing and web accessibility for the last 20 years, our commitment has a proven track record. We've been innovating with accessibility before it was "required" and when doing so was particularly challenging (e.g., Pre-WCAG 2). We made this decision because we felt and still feel that it was and is the right thing to do for the learning community.

29 min read
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Steps to create a Project Variable from the Manage Variables panel.

Once the variable is created it will be available when you are ready to set up actions to affect it or as a value to display in a text element or as a variable you can check as a Condition on an Action.

And once you have used it in any of these contexts the Manage Variables panel will track where and how it has been used throughout the Project.

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Is it possible to have a learner record their own voice using a mic or headset w/ mic in a DominKnow course? Or would this require and outside tool?

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I really like the interactions used in the Stages of Car Seats by Jessica Russell in the Community posts.  Is there a tutorial of how to create it?  If so, please share, I would like to use this in an upcoming lesson.

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